IN THE PINK: Mags of Pandora Deluxe, left, and new latex convert Jemma at Le Boutique Bazaar. Top banner: Model Nephilla in Pandora Deluxe latex photographed by Kink Engineer
Pandora Deluxe latex designer
embraces the appliance of science.
Pandora Deluxe latex, the innovative London label, is embarking on a new creative phase that involves high-level applications of mathematics and technology to its design and production processes.
This “breakthrough” collection will, in the words of designer Magdalena Chapman (above left), be “a mix of intricate organic patterns, generated using computational geometry-based algorithms — an approach that is completely new in the industry”.
Those who know something of Mags’ background may not be completely surprised by this development.
Before embarking on her career as a latex designer, she was a cosmology postgraduate studying for her Ph.D and hanging out with the likes of professors Jim Al-Khalili and Stephen Hawking.
Her new design approach allows Mags to apply her love of mathematics to the creative path she has chosen. But it doesn’t stop there.
The Pandora Deluxe latex HQ will soon be taking delivery of its own laser cutter, something Mags has been looking forward to for a while now.
Laser-cutting technology is an obvious complement to the sort of mathematics-based design aesthetic Chapman is now experimenting with.
But Magdalena sees it as an important investment in the creation of garments that maintain the reputation of Pandora Deluxe latex for distinctive design.
So serious is she about it, in fact, that she has signed up for a ten-week evening course in Laser Cutting for Textile Design run by Central St Martins!
Meanwhile the designer’s new Chrysalis Collection is being completed at the new north London studio she has occupied since the autumn of last year.
Located at 4c Thane Works, London N7 7NU, the new Pandora Deluxe latex studio is next door to the studios of Bondinage and Zorenko London, with all three businesses in the unit sharing the same external entrance and doorbell.
Mags is happy to see visitors by appointment, and adds that she has a small collection of stock in the studio that visitors can try on.
BELOW: Location of Pandora Deluxe Studio at 4c Thane Works, London N7 7NU (off Thane Villas). Nearest tube is Finsbury Park, just off the top right-hand corner of the map (Google Maps)
Tags: Clothing, Designers, Latex