REARRANGING THE LIVING ROOM: Mistress (Max) Absolute and power tool (photo: Peter Felix Kurtz). You can find the full Performers in Lockdown interview with Max below right
Performers in lockdown/1: how UK fetish entertainers are coping
Fetish performers in lockdown are the subject of this second Fetishistas article on the effects of the Covid crisis on the fetish scene. People in entertainment (fetish or otherwise) are among the hardest hit by government-imposed restrictions such as venue closures, and this article sets out to present the stories of some of them. Cabaret artists, models, dominatrixes, photographers and videographers were among those who responded to our call, and we ended up with far too much material for a single article. So this is just Part One, with more to come during the long Easter weekend. The first four interviews are introduced by Tony Mitchell. Banner image: fetish cabaret artist Marnie Scarlet by Scott Chalmers
This article — the second in my series looking at the effects of the Covid crisis on the fetish world — focuses on the impact on fetish performers and those who work with them to provide much of our fetish entertainment.
Whether inside or outside fetish, performers and others in the entertainment industry have been hit especially hard by government restrictions that have closed clubs, theatres and other venues.
Many are self-employed and work exclusively in the entertainer roles that are familiar to us.
Others we might assume to be fulltime entertainers actually have full or part-time jobs outside fetish — but there is no guarantee that their ‘straight’ work provides a safety net at this time of crisis.
So I wanted to bring you a selection of real stories from individuals who add greatly to our pervy pleasure in normal times, and in some cases are hurting pretty badly right now.
I created a ten-question Q&A which I sent to a selection of fetish cabaret artists, models, riggers, photographers, videographers and pro dommes I know personally, in the days immediately before Easter Weekend.
To make the project manageable and publishable by Easter, I decided to survey only UK-based people.
But I think it’s safe to assume that their stories will chime with those of their equivalents in other countries heavily affected by the virus.
I was delighted by the number of responses returned to me, and impressed by the
willingness of my interviewees to share concerns about their personal circumstances which they might not normally admit to outside their closest friend circles.
Most of my respondents have taken some kind of hit because of the shutdown.
But even some of the gloomier stories here demonstrate remarkable levels of ingenuity and resilience, and a couple of the interviewees even report that business has actually never been better.
I found what the dominatrixes said on record to be particularly touching.
All the dommes featured here are friends, and from our private conversations I am well aware of the humanity and ‘normal-life behaviour’ to be found behind their steely professional personae.
But it was heartening to see such willingness among them to reveal, for the purposes of this article, aspects of their lives more usually concealed.
With more than a dozen Q&As returned, I realised that I couldn’t fit them all into a single article without substantially reducing their word-lengths.
To me this would have been defeating the object of the exercise. So instead, I decided to split the interviews into a series to be published on consecutive days starting today — Easter Saturday.
So if you were by any chance looking for a long Easter read during the Covid shutdown, I might just have the very thing for you. TM
Performers in lockdown: the questions we asked everyone
The original questions along with the short versions used to save space in the published texts
Q1: Your preferred scene/artist name? Any other business names?
Q2: How do you normally make (or endeavour to make) your living — your main fetish work, other occasional fetish work, other work using fetish skills and any non-fetish job/ career/profession?
Q3–Q10 provided the bulk of the interview material:
Q3: How have the work activities you outlined in Q2 above been affected by the Covid crisis already? And what further effects, if any, do you fear might impact on those activities while the current level of restrictions continue to apply – or if things become even more restrictive?
Q3 short: Effect of Covid on my work
Q4: How has your life beyond fetish been affected, in terms of your day-to-day survival, financial pressures, family/relationships etc?
Q4 short: …and on life beyond fetish
Q5a: What, if anything, are you doing (or trying to do) to replace any income lost through restrictions on your normal fetish work? Have you been able to ‘repurpose’ any of your skills to generate new income?
Q5a short: Income replacement
Q5b: Are you considering, already pursuing, due to receive or already in receipt of any of the types of
Q5b short: Financial support
Q6: What have you been doing outside of income-generating activity in an effort to stay sane and cheerful, and/or help others?
Q6 short: Coping strategies
Q7: At this point, how do you see things panning out for you personally in the longer term, especially if the return to normality takes longer than everyone hopes?
Q7 short: The outlook for me
Q8: If you can, name one thing that would result in a major improvement to your personal situation, making life more bearable and the crisis more ‘survivable’?
Q8 short: One big thing
Q9: What is your biggest hope and your biggest fear for the possible long term effect of the crisis on your fetish friends and the wider fetish community?
Q9 short: Hopes/fears for our community
Q10: And finally, what is your biggest hope and your biggest fear for the possible long term effect of the crisis on society and humanity at large?
Q10 short:…and for society/humanity
PERSONAL PROTECTION: Banner star Marnie Scarlet in normal shopping attire (photo: Max Deviant)
Performer/Latex Designer
Internationally renowned latex/fetish cabaret performer whose day job is designing latexwear at Libidex. She also performs at non-fetish cabaret and burlesque events (pictured above and in main banner)
Effect of Covid on my work: I managed to work from home for Libidex for a few weeks, doing some design and some sample-making in my tiny bedroom, but now I have been furloughed.
As far as a performing goes, all my gigs have been cancelled, including a trip to the USA for Rubber Ball USA, Wasteland in Holland and a bunch of gigs here in London.
…and on life beyond fetish: I live in quite a small flat with my partner Max Deviant (who runs FAB in Camden) and we have no outdoors, so we really rely on being able to go for a little walk each day. The bedroom during the day is mostly my domain to either make or do things, and the living room his.
We do love spending time together and that is currently a very, very good thing — hahahahah! Max’s shop is now closed, so we do have to be very careful with money. Thank God for the internet for keeping in touch with family and friends.
Income replacement: I haven’t done this, as I still get money being furloughed, so I currently do not want to tap into teaching online classes or workshops and charge for them, as I want to leave this market as open to my counterparts who are self-employed as they will need this money more.
I may be part of some online cabaret nights in the future, but I will let my portion of the spoils be divided between the others that are fulltime performers if this does happen.
Financial support: I should be getting furlough money, thankfully. I also, very, very thankfully, have a little bit of savings.
Coping strategies: A number of virtual pub crawls via Zoom, hahahah. I have also enjoyed dressing-up and posting photos on my Instagram. Max and I help some neighbours with shopping and we have spoken to so many friends from all over the globe. Also, our flat is cleaner than ever, and working on the tax return (the earliest ever in recorded history!!) as we speak.
The outlook for me: This is what worries me so much about both industries I work in: will they survive, and how? The fetish industry weathered the financial crash from 2008/9 so hopefully will overcome this too.
I worry about my cabaret work, which I so love! Will people return to bars and clubs in the same way? I think this will take a while, and perhaps gigging will become more of a sporadic thing for me. To remain creative is very important even though it can be hard in times like this!
One big thing: a balcony of a reasonable size to sit and read a book on!
Hopes/fears for our community: I can already see this is bringing people together (even though we are physically apart). I hope this trend continues. I do worry that people will be able to travel less for a variety of reasons, and therefore the global fetish community may not see each other in person so much.
Also I hope that clubs will still be able to put their events on (as I think for a while there will be restrictions on many things such as numbers admitted etc). Also I foresee the cost of living rising because of this and I hope my fetish friends can still afford to indulge in their fetishes in whatever way.
Hopes/fears for society/humanity: I hope that in all of this people have learned to be respectful, and to pull together and help each other. I have seen this happen, but sadly I have also seen the reverse. This crisis has brought both the best and the worst out in people, and this is also my biggest fear: I fear people being greedy, and some of the poorer being left behind.
Along with her fetish modelling, Ruby plays bass in industrial fet-themed band Fleisch and does glamour/nude and alt modelling. She also works part time in a surface finishing factory specialis- ing in motorsport, and part time in a skin clinic (photo above: Kink Engineer)
Effect of Covid on my work: Of course, due to social distancing restrictions and lockdown, I have been unable to attend any photoshoots which results in financial loss and lack of content to post on my social media to keep growing my brand.
I was due to shoot in France the weekend before the restrictions were put in place, and had also booked a fetish photoshoot cruise around the Mediterranean in April which I will also miss out on. Given the current restrictions it is certainly more difficult to achieve the content I’d like to create in my home, as opposed to a studio or an exciting location!
…and on life beyond fetish: I’ve been finding it incredibly difficult to be at home for such a long time! I’m very outgoing and usually working seven days a week on different jobs in different cities, often travelling abroad for work two to three times a month.
My partner is self-employed so I am currently the sole provider, which is adding a little pressure, but I am focused on working as much as I can and taking advantage of being able to rest for a while.
Income replacement: As I have been unable to take paid modelling jobs I have been focusing on posting online content on my OnlyFans page. I have found that while more people are home with little to do they are really releasing their wild side! I’m currently creating multiple custom fetish clips every day — ranging from roleplay and domination to foot fetishes. Previously I’d be creating just a couple every few weeks!
Financial support: I’m not looking into financial support at present as I am furloughed from my part-time job, and am investing the majority of my time into online content creation.
Coping strategies: I have been video calling with a lot of friends and colleagues, re-watching Twin Peaks and indulging (perhaps a little too much) in home cooking and wine.
I’ve noticed in the goth/fetish community that a lot of DJs are streaming their sets over the weekends, so we aren’t missing out! I’ve also joined an online burlesque course hosted by Saph Rox, with so many wonderful tutors sharing their knowledge.
The outlook for me: I think it will take some time, and a lot of us will be missing dear friends, colleagues, and anticipated events. I know I personally will struggle, being unable to travel to see the wonderful models and photographers in the fetish scene that I have grown to call family.
And I will certainly find it incredibly boring being unable to be creative! However, I do intend to focus solely as a content creator and hope to continue doing this throughout and after the pandemic is over.
One big thing: I would love to see an online fetish event to keep morale high! Not just for myself, but for everyone who is struggling during this crisis, whether it be financially or with mental health.
Hopes/fears for our community: My biggest hope is that it will bring us all together and we really come to value the productions, performances, creativity and passion that everyone brings to the community. My biggest fear is that many people may lose that passion due to financial losses and being unable to perform.
…and for society/humanity: My biggest hope is that people will really take things such as hygiene and the environment into consideration, as well as how we treat other people. I think we really need to re-evaluate our approach to things such as taking more than we need. The scenes of empty supermarkets after panic buying and hoarding were truly disgusting.
My biggest fear is that the world may feel more separated and lonely for a while. It feels quite alien to be isolated on a small island.
Dominatrix/Event Producer/
Kink Educator
Also known as Mistress Absolute or Max Absolute, she manages multiple fetish brands including London Fetish Weekend, Absolute Mischief, Club Femdom, Arch Nemesis and Kinky Kit (pictured at top of page)
Effect of Covid on my work: I stopped running events and taking session bookings over three weeks ago. My last two kit hire jobs cancelled on me three weeks ago too. I put warnings on my website after still getting calls two weeks ago from people wanting to session (see Covid Update and Sessions). I have no income but I do have a clear conscience.
…and on life beyond fetish: I actually have no issue with the self-isolation bit as I am very happy with my own company; I’m getting loads of odd jobs done. But I have just last year moved into a new place and had saved hard to have money for renovations, but it looks like I will have to dip into that. I’m in touch with all the Team Absolute members and keeping an eye on the mental health aspects in regard to friends, family and self.
Income replacement: Although I am having to dip into savings I am OK for a bit, and am lucky enough to have more than a couple of people I could ask for help should it get to that point. But then that’s the hardest part of this, as I hate not being able to support myself.
As someone who has worked in this industry as a company owner/self-employed person, I have maintained a good variety of jobs so that I was always in a position to turn down subs/projects/events — I always tell new dommes not to rely on one client and/or be a slave to the slaves — and have a little put aside for when it’s quiet. But this is the perfect storm: just moved house and just moved into a newish but temporary dungeon, and so on the back foot already.
I won’t, however, compromise my standards and principles. I know lots of dommes are turning to webcam stuff but I really don’t enjoy doing webcam or clips/films and I think my mental health would be very off-kilter should that be the only option. I haven’t survived in this industry for 20-plus years by ignoring my own hard limits!
Financial support: I am registered as self-employed and pay my taxes so I am hoping to get the 80 percent of profit in the form of the taxable grant. It’s not been the best, businesswise, over the last three years, what with Dave Playpenz’s illness and death, the investment in the kit and dungeon/play premises, and the loss of another venue… but it’s a start.
Coping strategies: Retro-refitting a 1950s sewing machine cupboard; stripping and repainting my medical cage (playing with my power tools); trimming trees; rearranging my living room. I’ve also supported one of my subs who is in a front line role by going to the supermarket so they don’t have to, and making them easy-to-prepare home cooked organic evening meals to ease the long days and harrowing situations. I’ve created a Saturday night at the movies weekly game and have cleaned everything else to within an inch of its life. You never know, I may even get through some of the admin jobs I really should be doing!
The outlook for me: I really, really don’t know, and as much of a control freak as I am, I have had to make peace with myself and recognise that there is nothing any can do to magic it back to how things were. I have already had to come to terms with the fact that I have flights booked for DomCon that’s now pencilled in for August while Florida Fetish Weekend, where I am supposed to be performing, is potentially about to make alternative arrangements.
FetCon may happen in August but I’m going to need to work as much as possible to get level again. And then of course with all the events ‘postponing’ until later in the year, I am going to need to evaluate how the London Fetish Weekend looks this year.
One big thing: A vaccine.
Hopes/fears for our community: I’m really aware and concerned for the mental health of many of my friends in the scene. My biggest fear is that the scramble to survive will destroy the scene; that the way I practise domination will no longer be viable and the incoming generation of kinksters will never know the difference between a commercial sex party and a real fetish event. I fear I will fall out of love for my job/lifestyle and never find anything to replace it. My biggest hope is that there is a scene left after all this.
…and for society/humanity: My hope is that it unites us, all governments wipe off global debt and we all keep some of the sense of ‘community’ that this has stirred up. Biggest fearis that this will spark a generation of fearful adults who are all anxiety-ridden agoraphobic germaphobes. Other hope: that people wake up to the awful ‘leadership‘ of the orange nightmare.
Video Producer
Owner/producer at LatexFashionTV, Cole also works freelance in non-fetish video production (photo above: Cole with his European Fetish Award at GFB 2019, by Heinrich von Schimmer)
Effect of Covid on my work: About half our filming is event coverage and the rest is working with models and designers, often based around who is going to what event. Without events as the draw to pull everyone together there is nothing to shoot. My diary was cleared indefinitely overnight.
Our projects can have long tail times. So right now there’s plenty of things in post-production — but it’s a balance of constant shooting/editing to keep those plates spinning. Eventually being unable to film new content will cause issues but that’s still months out.
…and on life beyond fetish: I’m used to working from home on a laptop and that hasn’t changed. I’ve been reaching out to friends and keeping loved ones close. Trying to keep binge-watching to a minimum and staying positive.
Income replacement: In lots of ways nothing has changed. We publish videos on the internet and people watch them. But I have switched focus from planning the next few weeks to planning for the next few months.
Financial support: I’m lucky in the sense that internet video is one of the few things unaffected by the crisis.
Coping strategies: I’ve been working on a collaborative video with latex fans sending in clips of how they’re spending quarantine at home. When it started, I hoped a few friends might take part, but now there’s over 200 submissions from people saying they really enjoyed having a reason to get dressed up. That’s been really cool.
The outlook for me: Personally, I can’t see things start to get back to normal until much later in the year. The scene was shut down overnight and it will be a slow return to whatever normal is on the other side of this. If it goes longer, then I guess we take it as it comes and figure it out.
Hopes/fears for our community: I hope on the other side of this the community has pulled together to support each other. I’m already seeing that with friends offering free dungeon rental or studio use for the first month when the lockdown is lifted. Gestures like that are everything and give me faith it will all be OK.
…and for society/humanity: I try not to think about the wider implications for society and humanity. I’m just taking it one day at a time. Hopefully we all learn to be a little nicer to each other.
Heinrich von Schimmer
Kink Engineer
Max Deviant
Peter Felix Kurtz
Scott Chalmers
Tags: BDSM Services, Community, Dominatrixes, Models, Performers, Photographers