CLOSING OFFER: The Police Patrol Dress (right) is among half-price deals in the LatexExpress ‘Closing Down’ Sale. Left: Libidex latex modelled by Marie Devilreux (photo: Justine-Louise Photography)
LatexExpress closing down – or is it just a summer sale?
‘LatexExpress closing down’ are three words that certainly grab the attention. Which is no doubt why Libidex used them in the headline of their latest news release.
“We’re just taking a little summer vacation after July 13 while we restock and reorganise our shelves, so we can bring you an even better selection of LatexExpress items in the future!”
But even though it’s not really closing down, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a LateExpress closing down sale.
There is! But only until midnight on Monday July 13. So you’ll need to get your skates on if you want to snag a bargain.
This July flash sale is offering 50 percent off all LatexExpress off-the-peg stock, with a few ‘summer sizzlers’ at an even more generous 70 percent discount dotted around the website.
Great half price deals available at the beginning of the sale included the Patrol Police Dress and V Neck Catsuit, both reduced from £129.99 to £65, Monica Corset down from £289.95 to £144.98, and Male Matrix Catsuit down from £259.95 to £129.98.
But remember: the LateExpress Closing Down discounts only apply to LatexExpress items that are in stock at the time of the sale, and alterations or customisations are not available.
Meanwhile, we’re pleased to see that Libidex has started to take more of an interest in supporting creative editorial photography of its clothes to complement the straightforward catalogue-style shots it normally commissions for its website.
This month, the label is promoting by Justine-Louise Photography’s tasty shoot at London’s Murder Mile Studios with sultry pin-up model and performer Marie Devilreux — see example at the top of this story.
We look forward to this kind of editorial shoot becoming a regular part of Libidex’s promo effort in the future!
Tags: Clothing, Designers, Discounts and Sales, Latex, Retail