PHEW-SION! Dominatrix March 2015 will feature top Swedish fetish models like Miss Mandy, here modelling the Pandora Deluxe Fusion Collection at November’s event (photo: Tony Mitchell)
Dominatrix March 2015 preview
– plus November 2014 report
This Dominatrix March 2015 preview focuses on the next edition of Holland’s big bi-annual latex fashion party, but also includes a report from the November 2014 weekend. The upcoming event is previewed by Tony Mitchell while Heidi Patterson reports on November 2014’s outing, with ten galleries of pictures from that event. March’s gathering – the 25th Dominatrix event – promises a guest appearance by Ulorin Vex and latex shows from Am Statik, BlackLickorish Latex, Dayne Henderson, Dead Lotus Couture, Eudoxia’s Latex and MadRubb. Banner picture of Ulorin Vex: Idollphamine Photography. Latex nurse outfit: Mico Couture
Dominatrix returns to the outskirts of Amsterdam over the weekend of March 13-14 for the Dutch party’s 25th edition.
This doesn’t mean Dominatrix has been going for 25 years — early parties were staged three times a year before the relaunch as a twice-yearly, larger-scale weekend. But all the same, 25 is a milestone figure and promoter Reinier More has secured a great line-up to celebrate it.
The Dominatrix March 2015 fashion shows on Saturday 14 will feature three latex labels from the UK along with another three from Austria, Spain and the USA.
Making her Dominatrix debut as a designer (having previously modelled in House of Harlot’s November 2013 show), London’s Amy Statik will bring her distinctive Am Statik style to the Dutch catwalk in the label’s first major international appearance since last year’s German Fetish Ball in Berlin.
And back on the March programme after having to cancel the appearance scheduled for last November, BlackLickorish Latex will be coming all the way from California to put some American pizzazz into the proceedings. Look out for designer Alyssa Norman’s signature ‘draped latex’ styling.
Second of March’s three British labels, Dayne Henderson has made a big impact since his graduation three years ago. Taking inspiration from the late Leigh Bowery, Dayne’s outlandish creations, mostly hooded, are more wearable art than fashion, which is no doubt why he got to create pieces for Lady Gaga’s Art of Pop world tour.
Dead Lotus Couture, the third UK label on show, is the creation of London-based Italian-Japanese fashion graduate Nange Magro, who is also an accomplished photographer, video artist and model. Expect to see technological innovations like her Metrika dress. Incorporating 3D printing, it caused quite a stir at the recent Paris 3D Printshow.
Dead Lotus Couture is the label of London-based Italian-Japanese fashion graduate Nange Magro. Expect to see technological innovations like her Metrika dress
Eudoxia’s Latex started out as a one-woman show in Salzburg. From initially just ‘playing around’ she developed a fashionable latex label inspired by her declared aim of ‘taking latex out of its smutty image into high class, ready to wear outfits’. Smutty? Latex? Where did she get that idea from?
Finally, Spanish label MadRubb returns to the March catwalk after its debut last year. The Dominatrix crowd reportedly loved the work of this design duo, whose objective is to use latex with various decorative elements to create outfits that are eminently suitable for day-to-day wear.
The Dominatrix March 2015 edition will follow the now well-established format for these mini-weekends, starting on Friday 13 with the usual Models Meet and Greet in the nearby event hotel, the Van der
Valk Akersloot. Free to all who have tickets for the main party on Saturday, this informal gathering provides a great chance to mingle with the models, designers and others involved in staging the event.
Saturday 14’s programme begins as usual with an early evening fetish dinner — still the best-priced event of its kind at just €48pp (approx £36 at time of writing). The dinner, a multi-course buffet affair which usually includes two or three cabaret performances, takes place in the Planet Dinner Club, a part of the A9 Studios complex adjacent to the main party space.
Diners later relocate to the main space to join the first partygoers turning up as the doors open at 9pm. Aside from the main dancefloor where the fashion shows are staged, there are several bars and balconies including a VIP bar and viewing area.
The Dominatrix March 2015 edition also offers three additional dance areas, several dungeon spaces and a mistress lounge.
And Inner Sanctum are hosting the invitation-only ‘unofficial’ after party in the space known as Area 51 — which might not be a great relief to hotel guests trying to get some sleep in rooms near Max Kuhl’s hotel suite.
One less joyful piece of news about the March weekend is that it will not be hosted by Nina de Lianin, the multi-talented artist and In Strict Confidence singer who made such a notable contribution to recent
READ MORETags: Clothing, Fashion Shows, Latex, Models, Parties, Performance Artists, Personalities