The Dominatrix 2016 Dinner will, as usual, incorporate a cabaret show (curated with the help of Xarah Von Den Vielenregen of Boudoir Noir) as well as the awards ceremony.
Friday this year will also, once again, offer a play party courtesy of Mistress Manita and her Showboat venue, running in parallel with the Meet & Greet.
And on Saturday, there’s more BDSM on the menu, when Kink Info, aka QT and Hans, return to host their afternoon BDSM Workshop Lounge at the main party venue.
The Dominatrix 2016 programme, running from noon to 5pm, includes Quick and Dirty by RopeMarks (on bondage for sex); Keep Your BDSM Relations Fun by Hans (aka; Caning for the Advanced by AET; and Waxplay by Moon.
These are followed by How to Jerk Off Like a Pro by Miss Miss; Introduction to Ageplay and Questions Answered by diaper model Emma; Whipping with Floggers by Kink Info; and AMA — Ask Me Anything by all of the above plus some additional well-qualified guests including Mistress Shane.
AFTERNOON DELIGHT: QT from Kink Info speaking at last year’s BDSM Workshop Lounge
These workshops were poorly promoted by Dominatrix when launched at last November’s event. But hopefully the creation of a dedicated Facebook page for this year’s BDSM Workshop Lounge will compensate for any publicity shortfall second time around.
Some Dominatrix fans have wondered why the entire Dominatrix 2016 Weekend organisation seems to be running late this year.
But after learning what promoter Reinier More has been going through in the past few months, we think we might have found the explanation.
“I had a terrible summer,” he tells us. “First, I lost a very close friend, DJ Anton de la Cruz, who passed away on September 27.
“He was always part of the Dominatrix team, and lived up to every new edition of Dominatrix. It was his favourite party, and in loving memory of him, we will rename his area of the Dominatrix 2016 party the Cruzing Area.”
And then, Reinier adds, he learnt that another good friend had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and was not expected to survive beyond the end of this year.
After these two sad pieces of news, says the promoter, he wasn’t sure whether he even wanted to continue. In the end it took him some months to find the energy and enthusiasm to carry on with Dominatrix 2016.
But carry on he has, and now it’s full steam ahead for December.
If you haven’t attended a Dominatrix weekend before, this article’s multiple galleries from the November 2015 event should give you a pretty good idea of what one of these gatherings looks like.
Even though the programme order has been swapped around for December 2016, the style of each individual element remains pretty much unchanged.
Last November, the first event in the weekend was the Models’ Meet & Greet, held on the evening of Friday 13 in a large first-floor space at the event hotel (the Van Der Valk Akersloot).
Dominatrix regulars have watched this get-together grow from a small informal gathering (originally at the party venue) into a vibrant drinks party where the models show off their first outfits of the weekend.
Until last year, when the hotel finally decided to shut the bar, most of those left standing only had to stumble along a corridor or three to reach their rooms and crash.
With this event now relocating to the party venue, getting back to a bed that you can pass out on will involve marginally more effort.
But the style, energy levels and consumption patterns of these Meet & Greets is now so well-established that it will surely survive the change of venue!
For the models, Saturday afternoon is rehearsal time at A9 Studios. Until November 2015, if you weren’t involved in the fashion shows, it was an afternoon off (perhaps to take a trip into Amsterdam) or just some extra time to catch up on sleep.
But this all changed with the addition to last November’s programme of two new BDSM-orientated events.
For those seeking a more traditional play party, Friday night offered the chance to take in Manita’s Show- boat party, accessible by shuttle bus from the hotel.
Saturday afternoon, meanwhile, saw the introducion of a programme of BDSM-orientated workshops run by Kink Info. The afternoon seemed to us to have a lot of potential, and hopefully better publicity this year will improve the turnout in December.
November 2015’s Dinner/Cabaret — ably hosted again by Jack Woodhead —included a show-stopping bondage performance by Japan’s globetrotting Mistress Hibiki on Saturday evening.
2015’s Miss Fetish Europe award at the Dinner went to Swedish model Starfucked, with runners-up Honeyhair and Dutch Dame. Best Up & Coming Model award went to Norman Richter protégée Lara Larsen from Leipzig.
The spectacle of Kurage’s amazing zoomorphic, cosplay-inspired creations on more than 30 gyrating models took everyone’s breath away
As usual, Saturday night’s main party provided certain photographers with the opportunity to shoot backstage — generally my favourite photo opp of the evening.
The two-part catwalk show featured fashion from five latex labels. Brigitte More, Exxess Latex (from the USA) and House of Harlot took the first half, with Inner Sanctum and Japan’s Kurage (pronounced koo-ra-gay) in the second.
This was only Kurage’s second show outside Japan, and it’s fair to say the spectacle of designer Kid’o’s amazing zoomorphic, cosplay-inspired creations being presented onstage by more than 30 gyrating models just took everyone’s breath away. TM
joanna fux
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Published November 21, 2016
Tags: Awards, BDSM play, Designers, Fashion Shows, Fetish Weekends, Latex, Models, Parties, Performers