PARIS FASHION, above: Métamorph’Ose/Phyléa storefront with, right, DeMask sign now added. BANNER: Dutch Dame models latex gown from latest DeMask collection (photo: Tony Mitchell)
DeMask Paris opens in basement of Métamorph’Ose/Phyléa store
DeMask Paris, a new franchise outlet for the famous Amsterdam fetish brand, recently opened at the Métamorph’Ose/Phyléa boutique at 49 rue Quincampoix in the centre of the city.
However, explains Métamorph’Ose spokesman Jean-Pierre, since the takeover, several of Phyléa’s original latex suppliers have ceased trading.
So, “anxious to satisfy all the rubber addicts”, the store looked for the best solution to this problem.
“And this best solution we found in Amsterdam, with our friends Louva and Anton, who successfully re-launched a brand that is undoubtedly the best known and appreciated by fetishists of matter throughout Europe.”
Thus it was that the Demask Paris franchise was officially launched in March this year.
From that date, the Métamorph’Ose/Phyléa boutique has housed a DeMask department entirely dedicated to the products — both clothing and accessories — of this brand.
Of course, Jean Pierre points out, the Paris store will not be able to stock the entire DeMask catalogue.
But if visitors to DeMask Paris can’t find the item they’re looking for on the shelves or racks, they’ll be able to
As a DeMask franchised retailer the store has done more than just add a new supplier and a few items from its range to the “already huge choice” it offers.
“Our partnership with DeMask goes much further,” Jean Pierre confirms, “giving access to the entire catalogue of the brand, and even, if need be, custom-making and repairs.”
Finally, some good news for bargain hunters. With the opening of DeMask Paris, and to make room for the new DeMask collection, the store has reduced to half price its remaining stock of other latex brands inherited from Phyléa.
A stone’s throw from the Pompidou Centre and Les Halles at 49 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris, Métamorph’Ose/Phyléa comprises an impressive a 200m² of retail space including an atmospheric basement with vaulted ceilings.
Nearest Metros are Les Halles, Châtelet, Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau and Etienne Marcel. Opening hours are Mon–Sat, 13.30–19.30.
BELOW: The store’s basement showing some of its DeMask stock (top) and other non-latex goods
Published March 31, 2017
Tags: Clothing, Designers, Latex, Leather, Retail