FAIR TIME: Berlin’s Carina Fux returns to the German Fetish Fair with her Chronomatic latex. BANNER: Evilyn Frantic will perform at FetishGuerilla Revolution – win tickets for this party!
Berlin 2017: GFB Weekend updates
Plus: Win tickets for FG Revolution!
Berlin 2017: final programme details have now been announced by the promoters involved in German Fetish Ball Weekend. And we have three pairs of FetishGuerilla tickets to give away!
So it looks like this year’s German Fetish Ball Weekend could well be a real cracker. (And just for the avoidance of doubt, nobody we know of is thinking of returning to Sage for a group dinner — ever again.)
New programme info not available when we published our original GFB preview in February is set out below, in event date order. Note that only Berlin 2017 events for which we have new information are included here.
Check out our original Fetishistas GFB Preview article (link below) for more information about all the GFB Weekend’s events — including venues, full addresses and admission prices.
STOP PRESS: Since this original one-page update was published, a second page of Stop Press info has been added. Click the READ MORE button (bottom right) to access this extra content!
Savage Wear Kinky Cocktails
Shows booked for this official GFB Weekend launch party have now been announced: there will be performance by Nina de Lianin and Anna Bolika at the event’s new venue, Badehaus Berlin.
FetishGuerilla Revolution
The legendary KitKatClub party’s show line-up of Bondinage latex fashion plus Roc Rocit, Evilyn Frantic (see banner) and Hungry has been expanded to include a performance by Kitty Willenbruch.
Meanwhile, the DJ roster — Faray, Aline & Suné, Räubertöchtäs, Michael Nielebock, Hedo, Schrod, Kasey Riot and Schwoof — now sees the addition of Sören, along with the promise that several DJs will be pairing up on extra sets for this Berlin 2017 edition.
Altogether this constitutes the biggest line-up ever laid on for an FG Revolution night, as well as the biggest space the party has ever occupied within the venue.
That’s because this year, KitKat is opening up the big basement floor not normally used for this party. The new space will be devoted to rock/goth/metal and ’80s/’90s music.
WIN FGR TICKETS! As you may know, tickets for FGR (costing €25 per person) can only be purchased on the door on the night of its Berlin 2017 party.
But three lucky Fetishistas followers can win free places on the party guest list for themselves and a companion (worth a total of €50 per winner) by entering our FetishGuerilla Revolution Ticket Draw!
Click on the dropdown panel at the bottom of this article for details of how to enter this simple draw.
E-mail entries must reach us for the draw by midnight London time on Monday April 24, and winners will be notified the following day. So get your entries in now!
German Fetish Fair
Exhibitor space is all but fully-booked at the two-day Fair in Magazin in der Heeresbäckerei, at the ‘street end’ of the complex that also houses Ball venue Spindler & Klatt.
In alphabetical order, Berlin 2017 vendors (including at least ten latex labels) are as follows:
AMF Korsets, ArditaFF, Benno von Stein, beGLOSS, Black Surprise, Bondinage, Chiracc Couture, Chronomatic, Cyberesque, Honour/Skin Two, Inner Sanctum, Jaded Jewall, Jed Phoenix of London, Kathias, Kronier, Latex 101 (below),
Latex-Line, Leiband Peitschen, LLdeSaxe Fashion, LOLAlicious, Martin Serpentis, Mask & Co, Massad, Masters in Steel, Mowi69, MPICSmedia, pain & pleasure, Patrice Catanzaro,
Check out the Berlin 2017 exhibitor floorplan at the bottom of the article to see where all these companies are located within the venue.
German Fetish Ball
The last few gaps have now been filled in the Berlin 2017 programme for the headlining German Fetish Ball at riverside venue Spindler & Klatt.
Honour/Skin Two are a late (and first-time) addition to the fashion shows (as well as to the Fair), joining Am Statik, Blacklickorish Latex, House of Harlot, HW-Design, Inner Sanctum, LOLAlicious and Pandora Deluxe to make a total of eight labels on the catwalk.
Sharing the stage with them will be performers Miss Eris, Sasha and a third act still to be announced.
Kari Berg will be MC-ing, and more than 50 models have signed up for the event and its fashion shows. Models attending include, in A-Z order:
Anita Divina, Babyjoy, Bloxi, Brandy-X, Caelyx, Calamity Amelie, Candid Lavin, Caro Bones, Cassidy Rose, Cat Atonia, Celene Nox, Cynth Icorn, Cyprin, Das Fräulein Fuchs, David Oiseau, Dimmu, Domina Dakota, Dutch Dame, El Rey, Ellen Lovebite, Fräulein Kafka (below), Honeyhair,
Ian, Iris Profiel, Janette, Joakim Holfve, K-Jey, Kikki, Kylie Marilyn, La Trisha, Lambkiss, Laura Liquor, Lotte Groeneweg, Lucille, Luise L’Amour, Markissa, Miss Fetilicious, Mistress Amrita, Ms Virus, Mynxie Monroe, Pandalie, Peachy, Psylocke, Rachael Vee, Raven Lenore, RedSky, Rubberstar, Sakura Sun, Satoria and Tiana Nox.
If you want to put faces to these names, take a look at the Models Gallery at the bottom of the article!
GFB Sonic Boom
New for Berlin 2017, this event takes over part of Matrix, the Ball venue for many Whit Sundays before Spindler & Klatt became available on a Saturday night.
Created as a winding-down event for those who worked or partied hard (or both) during the preceding days, Sonic Boom combines dancefloor sounds from René MD, DJ ALF and DJ Marc with bondage from Amrita and Dutch Dame and karaoke by Karaokekiste.
The latter picks up the baton from the unofficial but popular models’ karaoke night at the karaoke bar just across the road on Warschauer Strasse.
View a PDF of the Karaokekiste songbook containing more than 60,000 titles via the link below.
GFB Breakfast & Farewell
We’ve managed to clarify the various different times published in different places for this last Berlin 2017 event, held at Cayetano. Official start time is 11am, but we’re reliably informed that turning up later is fine as it usually extends until at least mid-afternoon.
The late Alexander Horn, an erstwhile regular at this brunch, will no doubt be sadly missed this year by everyone who was accustomed to seeing his cheery face at this closing event, and indeed at the other events of the weekend. RIP Alexx.
Click button below for STOP PRESS additions
READ MORE – GO TO PAGE 2 OF 2Three lucky people must win a pair of guestlist places each for the FetishGuerilla Revolution party at KitKatClub on Friday April 28 — the official pre-party for the 2017 German Fetish Ball.
info@thefetishistas.com putting “FGR 2017 tickets” in the subject box.
Entries must include the following info:
1) Your country of residence
2) Nearest town or city of residence
3) The name you wish to use for the guest list if you are one of our winners. (Only one name needed, as each winner will be given a “plus one”.)
Winners will be notified by e-mail following the draw on Tuesday 25, so be sure to send your
e-mail from the address to which we should reply if you are one of our winners.
Our winners will also receive separate confirmation from the event promoter that their names have been added to the guestlist.
ABOVE: the latest floorpan for the Berlin 2017 German Fetish Fair, showing three dozen exhibitors
BELOW: Click preview to open GFB Models gallery; click thumbnail to view full-size/start slideshow
Published April 19, 2017
Tags: BDSM Products, Clothing, Designers, Fashion Shows, Fetish Fairs, Fetish Weekends, Latex, Models, Parties, Performers, Play Parties, Retail