ABOVE: Gold snakeskin version of ainsley-t’s ubiquitous Plug Pump (photo: Edoardo Susanna). BANNER: Kountess Von Kink relaxes in her chrome-heeled Plug Pumps (photo: Andy Cameron)
Ainsley-t heels get a nice plug in the online version of GQ Italia magazine.
Ainsley-t heels, from the UK fetish footwear brand that pushes in where others fear to tread, have expanded their audience in what some may think an unlikely direction, to include the readers of GQ Italia magazine.
We quickly warmed to Cecilia when we discovered she had included the following observation in her article (an English translation of which was provided to us):
“If you’re wearing a pair of plastic clogs for example (think Crocs), it’s clear that you’re uninterested in sex. If instead you dress in a fine pair of high heels the desire to seduce is clearly implied.”
Most notorious for his butt-plug heels (featured in both images above our article), Stuart has, as you may know, also created high heels with strap-on implants and platform soles reinforced with hooks for removable chains or accessories.
The ainsley-t heels range ((Thom prefers the all-lower-case name style) even includes a stiletto heel in surgical steel that can be inserted directly into the urethra for “the sadomasochistic practice of sounding”. Ouch!
Probing his motivation for creating such products, Cecilia prompts the designer to observe that whoever produces women’s shoes has “an inevitable encounter” with sex.
“There is no need to be explicit but you cannot ignore the meaning of the shoe, which in the case of the heel
Part of the Italian publication’s interest in running the piece was Stuart’s avowed enthusiasm for that country’s shoemaking traditions.
His ainsley-t products use leather from Italian tanneries, while 3D-printed prototypes are produced in a small factory in the Marche (the shoemaking region on Italy’s north-eastern coast) and a specialist in the northern region of Lombardy produces the plug heels.
Asked whether he has ever had any problems proposing his product to a manufacturer, Stuart tells the writer revealingly: “To find your Prince Charming you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs.”
Almost certainly, then, a result of the designer’s inter-species canoodling, ainsley-t heels now boast a substantial fan-base that includes dominatrixes, pornstars, drag queens and fetish models.
They are endorsed by top latex fashion designer Atsuko Kudo, while the Dutch Shoe Museum in Waalwijk has a pair in its permanent collection.
Given all that, it really does look as if, with ainsley-t heels, Stuart Thom has achieved market penetration in every sense of the term.
BELOW: some more ainsley-t plug styles. Clockwise from top left: Halo Pump (photo: Andrea Zani); Eris Maksym wearing Lick Me Fuck Me boots (photo: Studio Ivolution); Estrany at Proud Cabaret (photo: Faby and Carlo); Dildo Shoe (photo: Andrea Zani)
Published May 31, 2017
Tags: BDSM Products, Designers, Shoes