Rubber Cult hosts Sebastian Cauchos UK catwalk debut.
Sebastian Cauchos, the Dutch designer renowned for putting his models in latex hijabs, will stage his first UK fashion show at Rubber Cult on May 30. Tony Mitchell previews a night that includes a Marnie Scarlet show and life drawing with Lottie Kixx, and recalls February’s Cult outing in words and pictures. Our banner shows Sebastian Cauchos with model Janette
The tradition of the microphone ceasing to work at some point during the proceedings is now a much anticipated part of every Rubber Cult night’s fun
I usually position myself as close to centre-front of the small stage as I can to photograph the shows, but on this occasion I decided to shoot from one side, having spotted a place to sit next to the redoubtable Jan Fetishclubpix and a man in a catsuit and hood who looked, from his body language, like he might possibly have been a newbie. Newbies are always very welcome at these events as long as they meet the dresscode. But if they’re there on their own, it can still, I’m sure, be potentially overwhelming. This chap did look a bit nervous. So perhaps it needs to be reiterated that at an RC night, there is nothing to fear except fear itself! Newbies rejoice! You have nothing to lose but your chains! (Although perhaps that’s not the best slogan under the circumstances.) From my corner position (which turned out to be less than ideal, in fact), I shot all the stage performances, beginning with Adam Electric, who threw some shapes inside a white latex VacTower-style assembly. Adam was followed by the first of two performances from Amy Statik. It was great to see the talented Am Statik designer and performer back on stage — and on form — after a hiatus since her unhappy encounter with a copycat outfit at last year’s German Fetish Ball. Amy’s outfit could even have been taken as a metaphor for the very re-blossoming her show represented.
Tags: Clothing, Fashion Shows, Latex, Parties, Performers