FOLK ME! Still, above, from Psylocke GFB chat video shows Maebelle Latex Swedish folk costume. BANNER: Psylocke at FG Revolution, KitKat, with fellow Swede Miss Mandy (pic: Tony Mitchell)
Psylocke GFB chat reveals new direction for the Swedish star.
Psylocke GFB Chat: The Fetishistas’ video team managed to secure an unexpectedly revealing inter- view with Swedish fetish supermodel Psylocke during this year’s German Fetish Ball Weekend.
It was a custom-made version of a traditional Swedish folk costume, created for her by Swedish label Maebelle Latex as a result of what the model confesses was a drunken conversation between her and some friends on Facebook Messenger.
“It’s really complex and the detail is amazing”, she tells Peter, “but for me it’s a bit uncomfortable because it’s too cute.”
Peter asks her if this means she prefers a look that’s fierce. “That’s more my thing than the flowers in the hair,” she agrees.
But, she adds, she’s hoping to collaborate with Maebelle on a GFB fashion show next year. And, despite her reservations about this particular costume, she reckons she’ll be pushing for lots of Swedish cultural influences in the show outfits.
Something that comes out early in our Psylocke GFB chat is that she was in Berlin this year purely to party — no catwalk and no photo shoots this time.
She says that she has previously co-ordinated shows for Lacing Lilith and HW-Design and that these days she prefers organising shows to modelling in them.
The answer: “Kind of, yeah. I’m getting bored with it.” You could have knocked us down with a feather!
She goes on to explain that she likes to see the “younger ones” getting into it. “So I’m leaving that to the younger people, so I can just be behind the scenes.”
However, we apparently shouldn’t expect her to follow that oft-trodden route from latex model to latex designer.
If she designed a latex collection, it would, she insists, be “super weird and quirky” — too much so for people to be interested, she fears.
“I don’t think people would understand my humour,” she confesses.
And apparently she feels the same would go for her abilities as a songstress. Asked if she’ll be attending the following evening’s Models’ Karaoke Night, her answer is short and sweet: “As long as I don’t have to sing!”
Watch the video below for more unexpected revelations from The Fetishistas’ Psylocke GFB chat!
Published May 24, 2018
Tags: Fetish Weekends, Models, Parties, Personalities, Video Interviews