FAB trio above: Amy Statik (Am Statik), Mags Chapman (Pandora Deluxe), Iris Trika (House of Harlot). Top banner: FAB owner Max Deviant with Marnie Scarlet at the opening bash (photos: Tony Mitchell)
FAB launch party celebrates return of fetish to Camden.
A FAB launch party is just what it was — in every sense — when Max Deviant (aka Pecoraro) hosted the official opening of his Fetish Alternative Boutique in Camden on Monday.
The party, colourfully co-hosted by Max’s other half, Marnie Scarlet, attracted a number of his first wave of suppliers as well as other industry types curious to size up the store as a potential outlet for their products.
Amy Statik (Am Statik), Claire Leftwich-Winchester (Prong), Florence Druart (TG Clothing), Iris Trika (House of Harlot), Krystina Kitsis (EctoMorph), Mags Chapman (Pandora Deluxe) and artist Mr Von Hugo (who helped curate and mount the shop’s first gallery exhibition) were some of the many industry folk we bumped into.
In addition, Lily Rose, Marie Devilreux and Rogerio Alves were among the Libidex staff who turned up mob-handed to support their ex-colleague’s new endeavour.
Of course, with Max’s deep connections within the capital’s fetish community, it was no surprise that lots of London scenesters also turned up to help him get FAB off the ground.
The brands stocked at Fetish Alternative Boutique now number 25, with Engineers of Desire being an eleventh-hour addition to the names we listed in our FAB June cover story.
Everyone we chatted with seemed to think Camden Market was well overdue for a proper fetish store, and folk were definitely impressed by the amount of latex, accessories and fetish art Max has fitted into the space.
While we were there we even noticed some people indulging in something that looked suspiciously like actual shopping. Now that’s what we call taking a launch opportunity seriously!
FAB (Fetish Alternative Boutique) can be found at Unit 87-E, Stables Market, Camden, London NW1 (near the market’s north-west entrance). Opening hours are noon-8pm, Tuesday-Sunday.
Fetish Alternative Boutique/Facebook
Fetish Alternative Boutique/Fetishistas Cover
Max Pecoraro (Max Deviant)/Facebook
Click on the galleries below for visual highlights of the FAB launch party
Tags: Artists, Clothing, Designers, Latex, Leather, Retail