ABOVE: Alejandra Guerrero’s Auto Erotica photo-book, as delicately posed by the author herself. TOP BANNER: with Miss Fortune and Bliss Rogue, who performed to Duran Duran’s The Chauffeur
Guerrero’s Auto Erotica: London party for Alejandra’s new book
Chicago-based erotic and fetish photographer Alejandra Guerrero flew into London in early November to attend the launch party of Auto Erotica, her second monograph for Circa Press. The Fetishistas reports on the party and Alejandra tells us what else she got up to on her ten-day visit – which included her first time at a Torture Garden event and an “awesome” photo-shoot with model Sweet Severine. Words and launch party photos: Tony Mitchell. Auto Erotica photos: Alejandra Guerrero
Publisher Circa Press launched photographer Alejandra Guerrero’s Auto Erotica photo-book — the second of three Guerrero monographs planned by Circa — with a London party earlier this month.
The Chicago-based photographer was guest of honour at the midweek event, held at an arts club/gallery venue not far from the Tower of London. She signed copies of the book for fans, enjoyed an appropriately themed performance by Miss Fortune and Bliss Rogue, and happily mingled with the fetish folk and others who attended the evening.
Alejandra had been looking forward to her latest visit to the UK capital, not only to launch Auto Erotica in person, but also as a chance to broaden her contacts on the London scene and beyond.
Before her appearance at the Circa launch party, the trip (with husband John Fiebke) had also provided Alejandra with the opportunity to attend her very first Torture Garden event. Fortuitously, the party that coincided with their visit was the last of this year’s four TG Halloween Balls, which took place at Electrowerkz on November 4.
NICE PAIR OF CITROENS: One of the many Newtonesque images in Guerrero’s Auto Erotica book (Circa Press; photo: Alejandra Guerrero)
Alejandra enjoys her first time at a Torture Garden night
“I had never been to Torture Garden,” she explains, “and when we were looking at dates for the release party of my book, I timed the party so that I would be able to come to TG as well.
“I’ve hosted and organised private fetish parties at home in Chicago — though these have been small and nothing compared to the energy and high voltage of TG, with its amazingly attired, fun crowd and its performances.
“I definitely took notes for inspiration for my next fetish soirée!
“I enjoyed my ten days in London a lot — I packed in as much as I could. I stopped by FAB.London, and did an awesome shoot with Sweet Severine, revisiting our fave Barbican location, but with different vibe and spots.
“I did another memorable shoot with Grace Jaques at Homestead Park. And then the highlight of the week was my launch party.”
BACKSEAT DRIVERS: Tessa Kuragi and partner photographed for Auto Erotica in London in 2022 during a heatwave (Circa Press; photo: Alejandra Guerrero)
Launch party performance to Duran Duran’s The Chauffeur
“We had a good turnout: very fun crowd, many cool people who came dressed in very creative fetishwear, and a very sexy performance to Duran Duran’s The Chauffeur! Couldn’t have ended the evening of my book’s release any more memorably!”
Among guests at the event, which was hosted by Circa boss David Jenkins and MC’d by Kate London, were photographers Derek Ridgers and MarcusT (both sans camera), latex designer/performer Marnie Scarlet and
partner Max Deviant of FAB.London, artist Mia-Jane Harris and Miss Patricia Black Peony.
Also among the guests was designer Krystina Kitsis of EctoMorph who, it turns out, made the first latex piece Alejandra ever owned.
The photographer was clearly excited to meet its designer, and it looks like a photographic collaboration between the two could now be on the cards!
DISTRESSED DAMSELS perhaps, but somehow hard to imagine they’d be waiting too long for help (photo: Alejandra Guerrero for Auto Erotica/Circa Press)
As its punning title suggests, Guerrero’s Auto Erotica is devoted to her lifelong love of automobiles, maintained in parallel with her passion for photographing powerful, sexy women.
And it’s no exaggeration to say the book combines the two interests avidly in images redolent of her hero Helmut Newton’s work.
“Cars are in my bloodstream,” Alejandra revealed earlier this year when the Kickstarter funding campaign for Auto Erotica was launched by Circa. “I love them as objects of desire and adventure. I’ve owned many cars and made countless road trips, and always get a kick from being behind the wheel.”
Within the hard covers of Alejandra Guerrero’s Auto Erotica can be found approximately 220 colour and b&w photographs on 192 pages measuring 26 x 30cm (10.25 x 11.75in). It has an RRP of £60 ($75) but can currently be found at pre-order discounts on Amazon and Bookshop.org (links below).
Alejandra Guerrero/
Amazon UK/Auto Erotica
Amazon US/Auto Erotica
Bliss Rogue
Bookshop.org (UK)/Auto Erotica
Bookshop.org (US)/Auto Erotica
Miss Fortune
BELOW: GUESTS AND PERFORMERS at the London launch of Alejandra Guerrero’s Auto Erotica book (Circa Press). Click/tap either preview to open its gallery then click/tap a thumbnail to start slideshow
ALEJANDRA GUERRERO at her London book launch with her two Circa Press books Wicked Women and Auto Erotica ably displayed by @crude_podcast and @divinetheratrix (photo: Tony Mitchell)
Tags: Book Releases, Fetish Photography, Photographers