ALEJANDRA GUERRERO (photo: John Fiebke). Publisher Circa plans a Guerrero photo trilogy. BANNER, TOP: Gigi Deluxe, Chicago 2008, from Wicked Women by Alejandra Guerrero (Circa)
Guerrero photo trilogy will follow if first Kickstarter is successful
Publisher Circa Press intends Alejandra Guerrero’s forthcoming book Wicked Women to be the first in a Guerrero photo trilogy — if Wicked Women’s current Kickstarter funding campaign hits its target.
This means that in the nine days remaining, the campaign is looking for at least another 100 supporters to pledge the final £8,000 needed to get it over the line.
The minimum pledge required to secure a signed copy of this first volume in the planned Guerrero photo trilogy is £50 (which includes shipment to anywhere in the world).
And, of course, you only pay if the project reaches its funding target — so there is no risk involved.
Crowdfunding through Kickstarter and similar websites is now an established route to publishing special interest books that the traditional book trade business model no longer supports.
And these days it’s pretty much the default option for anyone who wants to put out a book of fetish photography, be they publisher or photographer.
As Circa Press boss David Jenkins — who last year crowdfunded publication of Steve Diet Goedde’s acclaimed book Extempore — explains: gone are the days when “publishers made books like this, bookshops piled them high, and customers bought them in their thousands”.
“That doesn’t happen any more,” he says. “Today, it will cost us more to produce Wicked Women than we can ever recoup from sales.”
But by crowdfunding, Jenkins can offer people who want to own a cultural artefact like Wicked Women a high quality collector’s volume that would cost twice as much if published the traditional way.
And if the Wicked Women target is reached, Jenkins is committed to publishing the other two volumes in the planned Guerrero photo trilogy — Auto Erotica and Voyeur — over the next two years.
So who is Alejandra Guerrero? Many people will have discovered her work in 2012, when she was one of 50 international photographers featured in Taschen’s book The New Erotic Photography 2.
But she first revealed erotic themes in her photos as far back as 2003 when, as part of Chicago artists’ organisation Fluxcore, her work was included in a show about sex and technology called Turn On.
Critics have said that Guerrero’s rarefied visual art marks a turning point for female sexuality in erotica, “her eloquent tableaux revealing the ways in which strong, intelligent women exert their erotic power”.
She is undoubtedly one of the most original and provocative photographers working today. And if you want more evidence of that, follow the link below to our earlier Wicked Women article, which includes a selection of her powerful fetish images.
Then go onto the Kickstarter campaign page and support the project, both to secure your copy of Wicked Women and to ensure publication of its sister volumes in Circa’s Guerrero photo trilogy!
Tags: Book Releases, Crowdfunding, Photographers