MAKING WAVES: Easter Fetish Meeting participants gather in Essen for Bredeney poolside shot. BANNER: Photographer Bommi at the 2019 GFB with Berlin domme Kate Frost (photo: Tony M)
German Fetish Ball moves to Aug; Easter Fetish Meet moves to 2022.
German Fetish Ball moves from its original mid-May dates in Berlin to a new slot in late August because of delays in Germany’s vaccination programme. Meanwhile, the Easter Fetish Meeting scheduled for Easter Weekend in Essen has been postponed until 2022.
GFB Weekend organiser René of Xklusiv tells us: “We can’t keep our dates in May. Germany is too slow with vaccination and it is now said to be done by June/July.
“We got a date for August and we took it. Maybe we’ll be lucky and the pandemic will either be over or the vulnerable group will be secured or Corona will be on a low as last year during that time of year…”
The new provisional dates for GFB this year are Thursday-Sunday August 19-22. But René warns: “We are not sure if the end of August will work, so we recommend everyone to book only refundable rooms and flights.
“There is another date in October that we could move to. But October will be cooler, so the open area for the Ball won‘t work.”
However, on the plus side, he adds, the Ball’s riverside venue Spindler & Klatt has grown in size to occupy the entire building, so its capacity has more than doubled.
Provisional details for the new August dates were being added to the official GFB website at the time of writing.
If both August and October become unviable for German Fetish Ball moves, the event will aim to reconvene in 2022 on its traditional Ascension Day Weekend dates: May 25-29.
Meanwhile, Essen’s Easter Fetish Meeting organisers have just announced that this event too is a casualty of the slow progress with Germany’s vaccination programme.
Consequently, the event created to replace Easter’s traditional Fetish Evolution Weekend at the Hotel Bredeney has been cancelled for this year.
But, say the organisers, “The Hotel Bredeney has assured us for Easter 2022 that we ‘fetis’ will have this hotel exclusively again on April 14-20 2022.
“We have agreed with the hotel that everyone can change their 2021 room booking individually to 2022 by simply sending an email or calling the hotel.
“Those who don’t do so will have their room cancelled by the hotel itself for the booked period of Easter 2021 free of charge and without any other obligations.”
The organiser statement adds that individuals who want to get away at Easter could still try to arrange a room at the Bredeney over Easter weekend, although this would be a private arrangement with no exclusive event connected to their booking.